Who We Are

Become a Member

Join the growing movement of rural leaders and change agents as we shape the future of rural health across Arkansas and beyond.

Membership Packet

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Member Benefits

By becoming a member of ARHP, your organization will gain a seat at the table of rural changemakers during a season of perpetual momentum. Your insight and perspective is carefully considered, which in turn influences rural program models, service delivery, policy development, and more.

Hospital Members

(Membership dues: $12,000 per year)
  • Organizational listing in ARHP press releases and resource directory
  • Access to all ARHP publications and email updates
  • Participation in ARHP Professional Round Tables
  • Organization and program participation in relevant ARHP projects
  • Recognition on ARHP website
  • Direct organizational link on ARHP website
  • Free subscription to UAMS Learn on Demand (Virtual courses for staff, complete membership with CEUs)
  • Free Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) conducted once every three years at no cost
  • Eligible to apply and participate in ACO/CIN
  • Free access to participate in ARHP’s Job Board listings
  • Free access to participate in all ARHP business services/lines to include all discounts and/or rebates
  • Full participation in all Membership meetings
  • Full voting rights as an ARHP member
  • Eligibility to hold a board position (Hospital CEO representative only)
  • Assistance with health fairs/special events hosted by member
  • Community presentations upon request by member

Healthcare Providers/Facility Members

(Membership dues: $12,000 per year)
  • Full participation in all Membership meetings; including requested presentations
  • Organizational listing in ARHP press releases and resource directory
  • Access to all ARHP publications and email updates
  • Participation in ARHP Professional Round Tables
  • Organization and program participation in relevant ARHP projects
  • Direct organizational link on ARHP website
  • Free subscription to UAMS Learn on Demand (Virtual courses for staff, complete membership with CEUs)
  • Free Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) conducted once every three years at no cost
  • Eligible to apply and participate in ACO/CIN
  • Free access to participate in ARHP’s Job Board listings
  • Free access to participate in all ARHP business services/lines to include all discounts and/or rebates
  • Full participation in all Membership meetings
  • Full voting rights as an ARHP member
  • Eligibility to hold a board position (Hospital CEO representative only)
  • Assistance with health fairs/special events hosted by member
  • Community presentations upon request by member

Affilitate Members

  • Organizational listing in ARHP press releases and resource directory
  • Access to all ARHP publications and email updates
  • Participation in ARHP Professional Round Tables
  • Organization and program participation in relevant ARHP projects
  • Recognition on ARHP website
  • Direct organizational link on ARHP website
Become a Member (Fillable Form)

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