ARHP Launches the Arkansas Rural Health Academy

September 13, 2024

For Immediate Release- The Arkansas Rural Health Partnership (ARHP) launches the Arkansas Rural Health Academy (ARHA)to meet the critical, in-demand training needs of rural health member organizations across the state.

Lake Village, AR. For years, ARHP members have been faced with the conundrum of filling staff vacancies while training programs are few and far between. In rural communities, it is increasingly common to find needed training programs shuttering due to the inability to meet minimum class size requirements. Meanwhile, health workforce gaps at rural health organizations throughout the state continue to grow.

Born out of demonstrated need in member healthcare organizations, the Arkansas Rural Health Partnership recently designed a novel training approach while addressing common rural barriers (i.e. local availability of training, distance to training, cost, time constraints, etc.). The Academy utilizes existing infrastructure (i.e. ARHP health workforce mobile unit, ARHP member facilities, staff, telehealth equipment, etc.) to bring targeted training to rural residents. With this innovative model, a rural resident can simply go to their nearest ARHP member site and access live, in-person and/or distance learning training courses. Academy offerings continually adapt to the needs of member organizations. For example, if member hospitals need an influx of community health workers or medical assistants, the Academy can facilitate the training for any number of participants, from 5 to 50 individuals. In this way, the training needs of rural health members are met without delay and accommodate rural residents to successfully engage in and complete coursework.

The new, state-approved training center provides a diverse range of nationally recognized training opportunities for laypersons and healthcare professionals of all skill levels and career lengths. The Academy currently provides training for laypersons and/or health professionals, certification training for clinical & emergency medical service providers, and certificate & degree-path training programs. The Academy works in tandem with local educational institutions to ensure that training offerings do not duplicate or replace existing training programs. Whenever possible, the Academy partners with local community colleges to support efforts.

Arkansas Rural Health Academy Vision: Transforming rural healthcare, one student at a time.

Arkansas Rural Health Academy Mission: Empower and train the next generation of the rural Arkansas health workforce through innovative, accessible, and affordable certificate and degree path programs, built for and by rural residents.

“We are thrilled to pioneer new ways to meet unique challenges facing our rural residents while also supporting the rural healthcare organizations that serve our communities. The Academy looks forward to continually steering innovation, collaboration, and creativity to best serve rural Arkansas,” stated Mellie Boagni, ARHP Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer.

For more information about the Arkansas Rural Health Academy, visit For media inquiries, contact Mellie Boagni (f. Bridewell), ARHP Founder, President & CEO at

About the Arkansas Rural Health Partnership

Arkansas Rural Health Partnership (ARHP) is a non-profit healthcare organization headquartered in Lake Village, Arkansas. ARHP members currently include 19 rural hospitals, 2 federally qualified health centers, and 3 medical teaching institutions. Initiatives aim to improve the health and wellness of rural residents, build a health workforce pipeline, sustain rural hospitals, and strengthen rural economies. The organization serves as a hub for economic growth and development across the region and a voice for rural health entities across the state of Arkansas and beyond.

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